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On the move: Neuro-Developmental Treatment Approach for infants & Toddlers

NDT is a holistic and interdisciplinary clinical practice model informed by current and evolving research that emphasizes individualized therapeutic handling based on moment analysis for habilitation and rehabilitation of individuals with neurological pathophysiology.

On the move: Neuro-Developmental Treatment Approach for infants & Toddlers
On the move: Neuro-Developmental Treatment Approach for infants & Toddlers

Time & Location

Sep 16, 2025, 7:30 AM – Sep 18, 2025, 4:00 PM

Jelgava, Atmodas iela 19, Jelgava, LV-3007, Latvija


Ievada kurss  “Būt kustībā: Neiro-attīstības ārstēšanas pieeja zīdaiņiem un maziem bērniem”

Kursu nosaukums angļu valodā:  “On the move: Neuro-Developmental Treatment Approach for infants & Toddlers”

Sadarbībā ar LFA pediatrijas grupu Latvijā tiek organizēti 4 NDT kursi:

2025.gada 13. - 15. septembris - Introduction to Neuro-Developmental Treatment for pediatrics - 3 dienas

2025.gada 16. - 18. septembris - On the move: Neuro-Developmental Treatment Approach for infants & Toddlers - 3 dienas

2025.gada 21. - 23. septembris - Moving Beyond Gait, Function in Vertical Using NDT Problem Solving - 3 dienas

2025.gada 24. - 26.septembris - Using the NDTA TM Contemporary Practice Model to Facilitate Functional Shifts in Children with Significant Physical Challenges - 3 dienas

Izmanto šo vienreizējo iespēju apmeklēt visas NDT daļas un iegūti lieliskas zināšanas un prasmes darbā ar zīdaiņiem un bērniem!

Par apmācībām:

This course is designed for physiotherapists, occupational therapists and speech language pathologists who currently work or desire to work with children and youth diagnosed with neuromuscular challenges such as Cerebral Palsy, Down Syndrome, Traumatic Brain Injury, Congenital Syndromes, developmental delay, etc. Participants will learn to critically assess clients through observations and analysis and hypothesize

the causative impairments. This creates the foundation to identify intervention strategies and treatment sequences to achieve a child/client-specific functional goal. Course content is based on the NDTA TM Contemporary Practice Model and the International Classification of Function (ICF) in gathering information, writing discipline-specific functional goals, and planning a sequenced treatment session to promote participation in the child and family’s life. Observation of the instructor’s assessment and treatment demonstrations will provide an opportunity to integrate the information presented in class so the participant can readily apply the concepts to their current caseload. There is emphasis on “handling” one another in supervised labs to learn how to move and how to be moved through treatment strategies. This course is experiential in learning treatment strategies that you can apply the day you return to your clinic!

Pasniedzējs: Jane L. Styer-Acevedo, PT, DPT, C/NDT

Cena:  380.00 par 1.daļu

TIP: saskaņošanas procesā

Kursu valoda: angļu

Apmācību laiki:

16.09. 2025., plkst. 9.00 – 17.00

17.09.2025., plkst. 9.00 – 17.00

18.09.2025., plkst. 9.00 – 17.00


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High Quality Professional Continuing Education for physiotherapists.

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